Possible Link Found between Vision Loss and Cognitive Decline

Vision Loss and Cognitive DeclineCould good ocular health help older adults keep their minds sharp? The results of a new study suggest it could play a very important part in preserving cognitive function.

A team of researchers found a link between worsening vision and cognitive decline. When studying a group of seniors from Salisbury, Maryland, the researchers discovered that individuals who experienced a significant loss in visual acuity were also likely to see a decline in their cognitive abilities.

Read on as the team from Bochner Eye Institute explains what you should know about the study.

Declining Vision May Affect Participation in Activities that Keep Minds Sharp

A collaboration between researchers at the University of Miami and Johns Hopkins University looked at visual acuity and cognitive function data of over 2,500 older adults collected between 1993 and 2003. The data included scores on visual acuity tests and the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), a 20-point questionnaire that measures cognitive abilities like attention span, memory, calculations and orientation to time and space. The data was taken at the time of enrollment in the study and then again two, six and eight years later.

The team, sponsored by the National Institute on Aging and the National Eye Institute, was particularly interested in whether there was a relationship between changes in the visual acuity and MMSE scores.

They discovered correlations between the baseline scores as well as the rate of change in the scores, indicating that participants with the largest drop in visual acuity were also more likely to have large drops in cognitive ability.

Although the research team did not find a cause-and-effect relationship (i.e., poor vision doesn’t directly cause cognitive decline), they believe vision has an influence on a person’s lifestyle that can in turn affect their cognitive abilities.

For example, older adults with declining vision may be less likely to participate in tasks and hobbies that keep their cognitive abilities strong.

Based on their discoveries, the research team suggested that maintaining clear vision could help stave off cognitive decline by making it easier to engage in activities that keep the mind sharp.

Contact Bochner Eye Institute Today

The eye doctors at Bochner Eye Institute are committed to helping all of our patients maintain the clear vision necessary to enjoy their hobbies and live an independent lifestyle. If you or a loved one has noticed declining vision, we want to identify the cause and talk to you about possible solutions. Please call or email us today to schedule a consultation with our team and discuss your needs.

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