Effective Solutions to Combat Dry Eye this Winter

Dry Eye Treatment in Unionville

If you notice that your eyes become dryer when the weather becomes cooler, you are not alone. It is common for patients to experience dry eye symptoms due to changes in temperature, wind, and moisture levels in the air. If you are ready for relief from your seasonal dry eye, it may be time to visit Dr. Stein, who provides effective treatment to help eliminate troubling symptoms. Learn more about your treatment options below.

Artificial Tears

Artificial tears are designed to substitute the tears made naturally by the eyes. When the eyes are unable to produce enough tears, or the fluid that is produced evaporates too quickly, artificial tears can restore the lost moisture and nourish the eyes. This increases eye comfort and can help get rid of mild dry eye symptoms, such as redness and irritation. Artificial tears can be found over the counter, but Dr. Stein may prescribe eye drops to you, depending on your unique circumstances.

Keep the Eyelids Clean

The oil-producing glands in the eyelids can sometimes become clogged due to makeup and debris that is left on the eyelids, which leads to a compromised tear film and eye dryness. Ensure that you clean your eyelids to prevent gland blockage.


Winter often prompts us to turn up the heat from sources such as fireplaces, a vehicle’s air conditioner, and space heaters. However, this dry heat can make dry eye symptoms worse. To prevent your eyes from experiencing dryness, consider using a humidifier to increase the moisture in the air surrounding you.

Protect Your Eyes While Outdoors

Winter is often accompanied by bracing winds that may contribute to dry and irritated eyes. Use sunglasses to protect your eyes from harsh weather conditions, as well as UV rays.


The meibomian glands contribute to the health of the eyes; when they are obstructed, they cannot secrete the oils that contribute to the eye’s tear film, which can cause dry eye. In these cases, LipiFlow may be recommended to remove meibomian gland blockage and enhance the flow of oil. The LipiFlow system is a unique medical device that delivers carefully measured heat and massage to the eyelids to restore the function of the meibomian glands safely. 

Dry Eye Relief in Toronto

If you find yourself suffering from gritty, burning eyes, redness, or even teary eyes that still feel dry, don’t wait to seek treatment. Dry eye relief is possible, even in winter. To schedule your consultation with Dr. Stein, call our office today.

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